Glenfiddich 15Yrs 750ML

KSh 10,500.00

The Solera Vat is a single malt innovation that marries whiskies matured in sherry, bourbon and new oak casks. Always kept at least half full, it creates a harmonious whisky that gets richer and more complex every year.

This 15-year-old expression is created in European Oak Sherry and American Oak Casks saturating the whisky with flavors and aromas. The blend is balanced by the magic of our Solera Vat process. Adding complex layers of honey, fruit flavors, and warm spice.

Tasting Notes


This blend has a complex yet attractive aroma. Delightful heather honey and vanilla fudge amalgamate with rich dark fruits.


The body has a silky smooth texture, divulging different layers of marzipan, sherry oak, ginger and cinnamon. A full-bodied whisky bursting with flavor.


Golden-Red hue


Pleasantly rich with a lasting sweetness



Glenfiddich 15 Year Old award
Glenfiddich 15 Year Old award
Glenfiddich 15 Year Old award

Additional notes

Alcohol Content 40%
Size 750ml
Country of Origin Scotland
Age Between 15 and 20 years old

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