Monkey Shoulder 750ML

KSh 5,000.00

Monkey Shoulder is a mix of three different Single Malts – Glenfiddich, Balvenie and Kininvie – and is great with mixers or just on its own. Smooth, sweet and very easy to drink.

The name may seem contrived, but this blended malt from William Grant & Sons refers to a condition among workers in the maltings – turning the damp grain by hand. They often incurred a repetitive strain injury.

Three metal monkeys decorate the shoulder of the bottle and just three single malts go into the blend – Glenfiddich, Balvenie, and Kininvie. At the launch, great play was made of the whisky’s mixability. You are likely to encounter it in a cocktail menu as you are in your local off-license.

Monkey Shoulder has banana, honey, pears, and allspice notes on the nose. The palate is mellow with vanilla, nutmeg, citrus hints, and generic fruit. Its finish is dry with a short burst of menthol.

Additional notes

Alcohol Content 40%
Size 700ml
Country of Origin Scotland

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