Johnnie Walker Black Label 250ml

KSh 1,300.00

A perfectly balanced blend with uniquely intense and complex flavours from the four corners of Scotland.

Johnnie Walker Black Label is a blend of exceptional Scotch whiskies aged at least 12 years, perfectly balancing intense flavors from the four corners of Scotland for unique complexity and depth.

Its nose is rich with notes of dried fruits from the European oak sherry casks. The palate has hints of smooth creamy toffee lingering at the top of the tongue. The finish is sophisticated with the signature Johnnie Walker smokiness.

Johnnie Walker Black Label’s iconic square bottle makes it one of the world’s most recognizable Scotch whiskies – and it’s also one of whisky critic Jim Murray’s favourite blends: ‘If there is a silkier delivery on the market today, I have not seen it: this is sublime stuff…one of the world’s most masterful whiskies back in all its complex glory’

Additional notes

Alcohol Content 40%
Size 250ml
Country of Origin Scotland

Additional information

Flavour 500Ml

Fanta Blackcurrant, Fanta Passion, Coke, Fanta Orange, Krest, Sprite, Stoney, Coke Zero


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