Hennessy VSOP 700ML

KSh 11,200.00

The world’s most popular Cognac, Hennessy VSOP 700ml is the modern-day equivalent of the original Hennessy 3-Star. It is an expression of expertise and consistency, centuries in the making.


Tasting Notes

On the palate bursts forth a bouquet of flavours, punctuated by fruity notes of a tangy freshness, which becomes enriched in the aftertaste with vanilla nuances contributed by the new wood & a sensation of fullness & body which gives Hennessy VS 1L all its vigour.


Intense character and full-bodied flavors, Hennessy VS 1L reveals its liveliness whether enjoyed neat, on ice, or with a mixer.

The Process

Hennessy buys their cognacs from around 5000 small producers and then blend them together. Often, these blends may contain as many as 2000 different cognacs from individual producers. The rules governing cognac are many, but essentially it must be double distilled and the final distillation must be between 67 to 72 degrees (alcohol by volume). It can take several decades for the strength to drop naturally to that which most of us drink cognac, 40 degrees. This natural process is by evaporation, the lost alcohol being known as ‘Part des Anges’, the ‘Angel’s Share’. To avoid waiting and to minimise cost, the producer dilutes the young cognacs, often adding sugar syrup and caramel. These additives give colour and soften the fiery effects. In contrast cognacs that have aged naturally develop richer qualities and greater individuality of their flavours.

Hennessy VSOP 700mL

Cognacs must be aged in oak barrels and although distillation is not allowed after 31st March, it is usually finished by around Christmas. Official ageing starts immediately after the last official distillation day, i.e 1st April. VS cognacs must age in wood for a minimum of 2 years.

A cognac to enjoy on the rocks, with a splash of ginger ale, soda or cola, or mixed in a cocktail.

Additional notes

Alcohol Content 40%
Size 700mL
Country of Origin France

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