heineken bottle 330ml

KSh 250.00

Heineken is a super-inoffensive lager with a stronger, bitterer taste than most internationally mass-produced lagers. It’s perfectly carbonated, pours a straw yellow colour, with little or no head to speak of. It goes down smoothly when it’s ice cold.

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Heineken Beer is a perfectly carbonated alcoholic drink with a refreshing clarity, well known for its signature green bottle and the red star. It pours a straw yellow colour with a firm foam head. Has a balanced richness in taste; slightly sweet with low bitterness. The body is light, and carbonation is medium, with flavours of cereal, bread, and slight com notes. Sister brands include the Amstel and Desperado Tequila Beers, both brewed at the Heineken International Brewery in Amsterdam.

Fun Fact: The Heineken Smiling ‘e’. Legend has it that the Heineken Beer font was changed in the year 1964 to be more friendly to women.

Additional notes

Alcohol Content 5%
Size 330ml
Packaging Bottle
Country of Origin The Netherlands

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