Cardhu 750ml

KSh 5,500.00

Cardhu 12-Year Old is a drink for the sweet-toothed; an easy-going, charming drink with a clean, crisp, oak and sweet malt.

Cardhu 12 Year Old is a drink for the sweet-toothed; an easy-going, charming drink with a clean, crisp, oak, and sweet malt with flavours of honeyed flapjacks and homemade caramel squares.
It has a soft and sweet character with fruity aromas of grilled pineapple, honey-soaked pears, and fresh melon notes on the nose. The palate is soft, with a silky mouthfeel, with dominant notes of pineapple and mango preceding those of honey, banana, and toffee. The finish is soft and fruity, with lingering notes of raisin and honey.

Additional notes

Alcohol Content 40%
Size 750ml
Country of Origin Scotland

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